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Article: Phonon-assisted Tunneling In A Superlattice In An Applied Magnetic Field 
Author(s):  R. N. Kini, A. J. Kent, and M. Henini
Page: 035335
Article: Breaking Of Phase Symmetry In Nonequilibrium Aharonov-bohm Oscillations Through A Quantum Dot 
Author(s):  Vadim Puller, Yigal Meir, Martin Sigrist, Klaus Ensslin, and Thomas Ihn
Page: 035416
Article: High-resolution Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation Of The (12110) And (10000) Two-fold Symmetric D -al-ni-co Quasicrystalline Surfaces 
Author(s):  R. Mäder, R. Widmer, P. Gröning, S. Deloudi, W. Steurer, M. Heggen, P. Schall, M. Feuerbacher, and O. Gröning
Page: 035433
Article: Quantum Size Effects In Pb Layers With Absorbed Kondo Adatoms: Determination Of The Exchange Coupling Constant 
Author(s):  U. Schwingenschlögl and I. A. Shelykh
Page: 033101
Article: Exact Coulomb Cutoff Technique For Supercell Calculations In Two Dimensions 
Author(s):  A. Castro, E. Räsänen, and C. A. Rozzi
Page: 033102
Article: Near-field Control Of Optical Bistability In A Nanocavity 
Author(s):  Damien Brissinger, Benoit Cluzel, Aurélien Coillet, Colette Dumas, Philippe Grelu, and Frédérique de Fornel
Page: 033103
Article: Monte Carlo Determination Of The Low-energy Constants Of A Spin- 1/2 Heisenberg Model With Spatial Anisotropy 
Author(s):  F.-J. Jiang, F. Kämpfer, and M. Nyfeler
Page: 033104
Article: One-way Edge Mode In A Magneto-optical Honeycomb Photonic Crystal 
Author(s):  Xianyu Ao, Zhifang Lin, and C. T. Chan
Page: 033105
Article: Bloch Oscillations And Wannier-stark Localization In A Tight-binding Lattice With Increasing Intersite Coupling 
Author(s):  S. Longhi
Page: 033106
Article: Collective Modes In Metallic Photonic Crystals With Subwavelength Grooves 
Author(s):  Ruey-Lin Chern and Yung-Chiang Lan
Page: 033107
Article: Wide-angle And Polarization-independent Chiral Metamaterial Absorber 
Author(s):  Bingnan Wang, Thomas Koschny, and Costas M. Soukoulis
Page: 033108
Article: Near-field Phase Correction For Superresolution Enhancement 
Author(s):  Kwangchil Lee, Youngjean Jung, and Kyoungsik Kim
Page: 033109
Article: Magnetic Polaron Percolation On A Rutile Lattice: A Geometrical Exploration In The Limit Of Low Density Of Magnetic Impurities 
Author(s):  L. Sangaletti, F. Federici Canova, G. Drera, G. Salvinelli, M. C. Mozzati, P. Galinetto, A. Speghini, and M. Bettinelli
Page: 033201
Article: Electron Transport In Polyfluorene-based Sandwich-type Devices: Quantitative Analysis Of The Effects Of Disorder And Electron Traps 
Author(s):  S. L. M. van Mensfoort, J. Billen, S. I. E. Vulto, R. A. J. Janssen, and R. Coehoorn
Page: 033202
Article: Density Functional Theory Study Of Self-trapped Holes In Disordered Sio2 
Author(s):  Matteo Farnesi Camellone, Thomas D. Kühne, and Daniele Passerone
Page: 033203
Article: Mechanism Of B Diffusion In Crystalline Ge Under Proton Irradiation 
Author(s):  E. Bruno, S. Mirabella, G. Scapellato, G. Impellizzeri, A. Terrasi, F. Priolo, E. Napolitani, D. De Salvador, M. Mastromatteo, and A. Carnera
Page: 033204
Article: Acceptor Level Of Nitrogen In Diamond And The 270-nm Absorption Band 
Author(s):  R. Jones, J. P. Goss, and P. R. Briddon
Page: 033205
Article: Stability Of A Planar-defect Structure Of The Wurtzite Aln (101? 0) Surface: Density Functional Study 
Author(s):  Honggang Ye, Guangde Chen, Yelong Wu, Youzhang Zhu, and Su-Huai Wei
Page: 033301
Article: Quantum Transport Through Nanostructures In The Singular-coupling Limit 
Author(s):  Maximilian G. Schultz and Felix von Oppen
Page: 033302
Article: Giant Rabi Splitting Between Localized Mixed Plasmon-exciton States In A Two-dimensional Array Of Nanosize Metallic Disks In An Organic Semiconductor 
Author(s):  J. Bellessa, C. Symonds, K. Vynck, A. Lemaitre, A. Brioude, L. Beaur, J. C. Plenet, P. Viste, D. Felbacq, E. Cambril, and P. Valvin
Page: 033303
Article: Local Spectroscopy Of Landau Levels In Mesoscopic Hall Bars 
Author(s):  O. Couturaud, S. Bonifacie, B. Jouault, D. Mailly, A. Raymond, and C. Chaubet
Page: 033304
Article: Adsorbate-induced Buckling Switch Of Si Dimers In Dissociated Phenylamine On Si(001) 
Author(s):  Jun-Ho Lee and Jun-Hyung Cho
Page: 033305
Article: X-ray Diffraction Of Epitaxial Films With Arbitrarily Correlated Dislocations: Monte Carlo Calculation And Experiment 
Author(s):  Vladimir M. Kaganer, Oliver Brandt, Henning Riechert, and Karl K. Sabelfeld
Page: 033306
Article: Thermal-equilibrium Relation Between The Optical Emission And Absorption Spectra Of A Doped Semiconductor Quantum Well 
Author(s):  Toshiyuki Ihara, Shun Maruyama, Masahiro Yoshita, Hidefumi Akiyama, Loren N. Pfeiffer, and Ken W. West
Page: 033307
Article: Self-redirection Of Tearing Edges In Graphene: Tight-binding Molecular Dynamics Simulations 
Author(s):  Takazumi Kawai, Susumu Okada, Yoshiyuki Miyamoto, and Hidefumi Hiura
Page: 033401
Article: Reversal Of Current Blockade In Nanotube-based Field Effect Transistors Through Multiple Trap Correlations 
Author(s):  Jack Chan, Brian Burke, Kenneth Evans, Keith A. Williams, Smitha Vasudevan, Mingguo Liu, Joe Campbell, and Avik W. Ghosh
Page: 033402
Article: Metallic Behavior In The Potassium-doped Fullerene-cubane Copolymer 
Author(s):  D. Quintavalle, F. Simon, G. Klupp, L. F. Kiss, G. Bortel, S. Pekker, and A. Jánossy
Page: 033403
Article: Tunable Band Gap And Magnetic Ordering By Adsorption Of Molecules On Graphene 
Author(s):  Julia Berashevich and Tapash Chakraborty
Page: 033404
Article: Single-component Surface In Binary Self-assembled Nak Nanoalloy Clusters 
Author(s):  M. Tchaplyguine, S. Legendre, A. Rosso, I. Bradeanu, G. Öhrwall, S. E. Canton, T. Andersson, N. Mårtensson, S. Svensson, and O. Björneholm
Page: 033405
Article: First-principles Analysis Of Lattice Thermal Conductivity In Monolayer And Bilayer Graphene 
Author(s):  B. D. Kong, S. Paul, M. Buongiorno Nardelli, and K. W. Kim
Page: 033406
Article: Stone-wales Defects In Graphene And Other Planar Sp2 -bonded Materials 
Author(s):  Jie Ma, Dario Alfè, Angelos Michaelides, and Enge Wang
Page: 033407
Article: Inelastic Cotunneling Mediated Singlet-triplet Transition In Carbon Nanotubes 
Author(s):  S. Moriyama, J. Martinek, G. Ilnicki, T. Fuse, and K. Ishibashi
Page: 033408
Article: Dispersion Of Metal-insulator-metal Plasmon Polaritons Probed By Cathodoluminescence Imaging Spectroscopy 
Author(s):  Martin Kuttge, Wei Cai, F. Javier García de Abajo, and Albert Polman
Page: 033409
Article: Dipole Polarizability Of Isovalent Carbon And Boron Cages And Fullerenes 
Author(s):  Rajendra R. Zope and Tunna Baruah
Page: 033410
Article: Coupled Force-balance And Scattering Equations For Nonlinear Transport In Quantum Wires 
Author(s):  Danhong Huang and Godfrey Gumbs
Page: 033411
Article: Evidence Of Metallic Nature Of The Surface Bands Of Au/si(557) 
Author(s):  H. S. Kim, S. Y. Shin, S. H. Uhm, C. C. Hwang, D. Y. Noh, and J. W. Chung
Page: 033412
Article: Induced Current And Aharonov-bohm Effect In Graphene 
Author(s):  R. Jackiw, A. I. Milstein, S.-Y. Pi, and I. S. Terekhov
Page: 033413
Article: Exact Step-coupling Theory For Mode-coupling Behavior In Geometrical Variation Photonic Crystal Waveguides 
Author(s):  E. H. Khoo, A. Q. Liu, X. M. Zhang, E. P. Li, J. Li, D. Pinjala, and B. S. Luk yanchuk
Page: 035101
Article: Perturbation Study Of Nonequilibrium Quasiparticle Spectra In An Infinite-dimensional Hubbard Lattice 
Author(s):  R. J. Heary and J. E. Han
Page: 035102
Article: Correlation Energy And Spin Susceptibility Of A Two-valley Two-dimensional Electron Gas 
Author(s):  M. Marchi, S. De Palo, S. Moroni, and Gaetano Senatore
Page: 035103
Article: Electromagnetically Induced Transparency And Slow Light In An Array Of Metallic Nanoparticles 
Author(s):  Vassilios Yannopapas, Emmanuel [View PDF (251 kB)]
Page: 035104
Article: Resistive Switching And Resonant Tunneling In Epitaxial Perovskite Tunnel Barriers 
Author(s):  Junwoo Son and Susanne Stemmer
Page: 035105
Article: Evolution Of The Electronic Structure Of A Ferromagnetic Metal: Case Of Srruo3 
Author(s):  Priya Mahadevan, F. Aryasetiawan, A. Janotti, and T. Sasaki
Page: 035106
Article: Evidence For Strongly Coupled Charge-density-wave Ordering In Three-dimensional R5ir4si10 Compounds From Optical Measurements 
Author(s):  Riccardo Tediosi, Fabrizio Carbone, A. B. Kuzmenko, J. Teyssier, D. van der Marel, and J. A. Mydosh
Page: 035107
Article: In-plane Coupling And Field Enhancement In Infrared Metamaterial Surfaces 
Author(s):  Boubacar Kanté, André de Lustrac, and Jean Michel Lourtioz
Page: 035108
Article: Negative Refractive Index Response Of Weakly And Strongly Coupled Optical Metamaterials 
Author(s):  Jiangfeng Zhou, Thomas Koschny, Maria Kafesaki, and Costas M. Soukoulis
Page: 035109
Article: Charge And Spin Transport In Strongly Correlated One-dimensional Quantum Systems Driven Far From Equilibrium 
Author(s):  Giuliano Benenti, Giulio Casati, Toma~ Prosen, Davide Rossini, and Marko }nidari?
Page: 035110
Article: Localized Optical Orbital Approach To Study Localized States Of Light In Photonic Crystals 
Author(s):  Zhuo Ye, Xinhua Hu, Ming Li, Kai-Ming Ho, Jiangrong Cao, and Mamoru Miyawaki
Page: 035111
Article: Optical And Energy-loss Spectra Of Mgo, Zno, And Cdo From Ab Initio Many-body Calculations 
Author(s):  A. Schleife, C. Rödl, F. Fuchs, J. Furthmüller, and F. Bechstedt
Page: 035112
Article: Suppression Of The Mass Enhancement In Cacu3ru4o12 
Author(s):  Soutarou Tanaka, Hiroshi Takatsu, Shingo Yonezawa, and Yoshiteru Maeno
Page: 035113
Article: Electronic Structure And Charge Transfer Processes In A Bi-ca Misfit Cobaltate 
Author(s):  E. Carleschi, M. Malvestuto, M. Zacchigna, A. Nicolaou, V. Brouet, S. Hébert, H. Muguerra, D. Grebille, and F. Parmigiani
Page: 035114
Article: Effects Of Contact And Efficient Charge Transport In G4-dna Molecules 
Author(s):  Ai-Min Guo and Shi-Jie Xiong
Page: 035115
Article: Fermi Surface And Surface Electronic Structure Of Delafossite Pdcoo2 
Author(s):  Kyoo Kim, Hong Chul Choi, and B. I. Min
Page: 035116
Article: Competition Between Spin Density Wave Order And Superconductivity In The Underdoped Cuprates 
Author(s):  Eun Gook Moon and Subir Sachdev
Page: 035117
Article: Excitation-energy Dependence Of Transient Grating Spectroscopy In ? -carotene 
Author(s):  Mitsuru Sugisaki, Masazumi Fujiwara, Selvakumar V. Nair, Harry E. Ruda, Richard J. Cogdell, and Hideki Hashimoto
Page: 035118
Article: Kondo Regime In Triangular Arrangements Of Quantum Dots: Molecular Orbitals, Interference, And Contact Effects 
Author(s):  E. Vernek, C. A. Büsser, G. B. Martins, E. V. Anda, N. Sandler, and S. E. Ulloa
Page: 035119
Article: Temperature Dependence Of The Yb Valence In Ybcu5 And Ybcu5?xalx Kondo Compounds Studied By X-ray Spectroscopy 
Author(s):  H. Yamaoka, I. Jarrige, N. Tsujii, N. Hiraoka, H. Ishii, and K-D. Tsuei
Page: 035120
Article: Multipole Decomposition Of Lda+u Energy And Its Application To Actinide Compounds 
Author(s):  Fredrik Bultmark, Francesco Cricchio, Oscar Grånäs, and Lars Nordström
Page: 035121
Article: Ab Initio Study Of Pressure-induced Metal-insulator Transition In Cubic Fege 
Author(s):  Matthias Neef, Klaus Doll, and Gertrud Zwicknagl
Page: 035122
Article: Minimization Of Out-of-plane Losses Of Photonic Crystal Membranes 
Author(s):  Rumen Iliew, Christoph Etrich, Thomas Pertsch, and Falk Lederer
Page: 035123
Article: Theory Of Tunneling Transport In Periodic Chains 
Author(s):  Emil Prodan and Roberto Car
Page: 035124
Article: Exchange-correlation Energy Functional Based On The Airy-gas Reference System 
Author(s):  Lucian A. Constantin, Adrienn Ruzsinszky, and John P. Perdew
Page: 035125
Article: Density-functional Theory Study Of Polarization Saturation In Strained Ferroelectrics 
Author(s):  Yanpeng Yao and Huaxiang Fu
Page: 035126
Article: Nonclassical Properties Of Electronic States Of Aperiodic Chains In A Homogeneous Electric Field 
Author(s):  B. J. Spisak and M. Wo?oszyn
Page: 035127
Article: Soliton Wall Superlattice Charge-density-wave Phase In The Quasi-one-dimensional Conductor (per)2pt(mnt)2 
Author(s):  Si Wu and A. G. Lebed
Page: 035128
Article: Asymmetry Between The Electron- And Hole-doped Mott Transition In The Periodic Anderson Model 
Author(s):  G. Sordi, A. Amaricci, and M. J. Rozenberg
Page: 035129
Article: Numerical Simulations Of Localization Of Electromagnetic Waves In Two- And Three-dimensional Disordered Media 
Author(s):  Ameneh Sheikhan, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, and Muhammad Sahimi
Page: 035130
Article: Pseudo-jahn Teller Instability In The Axial Fe+ Center In Ktao3 
Author(s):  A. Trueba, P. García-Fernández, M. T. Barriuso, M. Moreno, and J. A. Aramburu
Page: 035131
Article: Density-dependent Exciton Kinetics In Synthetic Diamond Crystals 
Author(s):  N. Naka, J. Omachi, H. Sumiya, K. Tamasaku, T. Ishikawa, and M. Kuwata-Gonokami
Page: 035201
Article: Dilute-defect Magnetism: Origin Of Magnetism In Nanocrystalline Ceo2 
Author(s):  V. Fernandes, R. J. O. Mossanek, P. Schio, J. J. Klein, A. J. A. de Oliveira, W. A. Ortiz, N. Mattoso, J. Varalda, W. H. Schreiner, M. Abbate, and D. H. Mosca
Page: 035202
Article: Accurate Band Structures And Effective Masses For Inp, Inas, And Insb Using Hybrid Functionals 
Author(s):  Yoon-Suk Kim, Kerstin Hummer, and Georg Kresse
Page: 035203
Article: Percolation Versus Cluster Models For Multimode Vibration Spectra Of Mixed Crystals: Gaasp As A Case Study 
Author(s):  O. Pagès, J. Souhabi, A. V. Postnikov, and A. Chafi
Page: 035204
Article: Group-iiia Versus Iiib Delafossites: Electronic Structure Study 
Author(s):  Muhammad N. Huda, Yanfa Yan, Aron Walsh, Su-Huai Wei, and Mowafak M. Al-Jassim
Page: 035205
Article: Growth And Band Gap Determination Of The Zrsxse2?x Single Crystal Series 
Author(s):  Mohamed Moustafa, Thorsten Zandt, Christoph Janowitz, and Recardo Manzke
Page: 035206
Article: Molecular Hydrogen In Silicon: A Path-integral Simulation 
Author(s):  Carlos P. Herrero and Rafael Ramírez
Page: 035207
Article: Magnetoconductance Switching In An Array Of Oval Quantum Dots 
Author(s):  C. Morfonios, D. Buchholz, and P. Schmelcher
Page: 035301
Article: Atomistic Simulations Of Adiabatic Coherent Electron Transport In Triple Donor Systems 
Author(s):  Rajib Rahman, Seung H. Park, Jared H. Cole, Andrew D. Greentree, Richard P. Muller, Gerhard Klimeck, and Lloyd C. L. Hollenberg
Page: 035302
Article: Spin States In Inas/alsb/gasb Semiconductor Quantum Wells 
Author(s):  Jun Li, Wen Yang, and Kai Chang
Page: 035303
Article: Full-band Envelope-function Approach For Type-ii Broken-gap Superlattices 
Author(s):  Till Andlauer and Peter Vogl
Page: 035304
Article: Spin-orbit-induced Anisotropic Conductivity Of A Disordered Two-dimensional Electron Gas 
Author(s):  Oleg Chalaev and Daniel Loss
Page: 035305
Article: Experimental And Theoretical Study Of Cross-phase Modulation In Ingaas/alassb Coupled Double Quantum Wells With A Algaas Coupling Barrier 
Author(s):  G. W. Cong, R. Akimoto, K. Akita, S. Gozu, T. Mozume, T. Hasama, and H. Ishikawa
Page: Published 10 July 2009 (10 Pages)
Article: Emission Spectrum Of A Two-electron Quantum Dot Molecule Driven By A Strong Electromagnetic Field 
Author(s):  Andreas F. Terzis and Emmanuel Paspalakis
Page: 035307
Article: Nonequilibrium Transport Through A Singlet-triplet Anderson Impurity 
Author(s):  P. Roura Bas and A. A. Aligia
Page: 035308
Article: Modulation Of Electrical Conduction Through Individual Molecules On Silicon By The Electrostatic Fields Of Nearby Polar Molecules: Theory And Experiment 
Author(s):  George Kirczenow, Paul G. Piva, and Robert A. Wolkow
Page: 035309
Article: Role Of Background Impurities In The Single-particle Relaxation Lifetime Of A Two-dimensional Electron Gas 
Author(s):  S. J. MacLeod, K. Chan, T. P. Martin, A. R. Hamilton, A. See, A. P. Micolich, M. Aagesen, and P. E. Lindelof
Page: 035310
Article: Full Counting Statistics Of Andreev Reflection: Signatures Of A Quantum Transition 
Author(s):  G. C. Duarte-Filho and A. M. S. Macêdo
Page: 035311
Article: Effect Of Interdot Coulomb Repulsion On Tunneling Current Through A Double Quantum Dot System In The Weak Tunneling Limit: Strong Electron-phonon Coupling 
Author(s):  Igor G. Medvedev
Page: 035312
Article: Spin Relaxation In Submonolayer And Monolayer Inas Structures Grown In A Gaas Matrix 
Author(s):  Chunlei Yang, Xiaodong Cui, Shun-Qing Shen, Zhongying Xu, and Weikun Ge
Page: 035313
Article: Saturation And Self-lensing In Self-assembled Quantum Dots With Constant-wave Driving 
Author(s):  A. Tierno, T. Ackemann, T. Maggipinto, and M. Brambilla
Page: 035314
Article: Spin Ordering In Semiconductor Heterostructures With Ferromagnetic ? Layers 
Author(s):  V. N. Men shov, V. V. Tugushev, S. Caprara, P. M. Echenique, and E. V. Chulkov
Page: 035315
Article: Band Structure Of Segmented Semiconductor Nanowires 
Author(s):  M.-E. Pistol and C. E. Pryor
Page: 035316
Article: High-order Fractional Microwave-induced Resistance Oscillations In Two-dimensional Systems 
Author(s):  S. Wiedmann, G. M. Gusev, O. E. Raichev, A. K. Bakarov, and J. C. Portal
Page: 035317
Article: Ground State And Excitations Of Quantum Dots With Magnetic Impurities 
Author(s):  Ribhu K. Kaul, Denis Ullmo, Gergely Zaránd, Shailesh Chandrasekharan, and Harold U. Baranger
Page: 035318
Article: Long Tunneling Contact As A Probe Of Fractional Quantum Hall Neutral Edge Modes 
Author(s):  B. J. Overbosch and Claudio Chamon
Page: 035319
Article: Dynamical Correlations In Electronic Transport Through A System Of Coupled Quantum Dots 
Author(s):  Grzegorz Micha?ek and Bogdan R. Bu?ka
Page: 035320
Article: Tunable Electron Counting Statistics In A Quantum Dot At Thermal Equilibrium 
Author(s):  X. C. Zhang, G. Mazzeo, A. Brataas, M. Xiao, E. Yablonovitch, and H. W. Jiang
Page: 035321
Article: Effect Of Nonuniform Continuum Density Of States On A Fano Resonance In Semiconductor Quantum Wells 
Author(s):  Jongseok Lim, W.-R. Lee, H.-S. Sim, R. D. Averitt, J. M. O. Zide, A. C. Gossard, and Jaewook Ahn
Page: 035322
Article: Probing Formally Forbidden Optical Transitions In Pbse Nanocrystals By Time- And Energy-resolved Transient Absorption Spectroscopy 
Author(s):  Juleon M. Schins, M. Tuan Trinh, Arjan J. Houtepen, and Laurens D. A. Siebbeles
Page: 035323
Article: Atomic Processes In Molecular Beam Epitaxy On Strained Inas(137): A Density-functional Theory Study 
Author(s):  P. Kratzer and T. Hammerschmidt
Page: 035324
Article: Gate Control Of Low-temperature Spin Dynamics In Two-dimensional Hole Systems 
Author(s):  M. Kugler, T. Andlauer, T. Korn, A. Wagner, S. Fehringer, R. Schulz, M. Kubová, C. Gerl, D. Schuh, W. Wegscheider, P. Vogl, and C. Schüller
Page: 035325
Article: Dynamics Of The Nuclear Spin Polarization By Optically Oriented Electrons In A (in,ga)as/gaas Quantum Dot Ensemble 
Author(s):  Roman V. Cherbunin, Sergey Yu. Verbin, Thomas Auer, Dmitri R. Yakovlev, Dirk Reuter, Andreas D. Wieck, Ilya Ya. Gerlovin, Ivan V. Ignatiev, Dmitry V. Vishnevsky, and Manfred Bayer
Page: 035326
Article: Quantum Walk On The Line With Quantum Rings 
Author(s):  Orsolya Kálmán, Tamás Kiss, and Péter Földi
Page: 035327
Article: Spectral Barcoding Of Quantum Dots: Deciphering Structural Motifs From The Excitonic Spectra 
Author(s):  Vladan Mlinar and Alex Zunger
Page: 035328
Article: Shallow Donor States Near A Semiconductor-insulator-metal Interface 
Author(s):  Y. L. Hao, A. P. Djotyan, A. A. Avetisyan, and F. M. Peeters
Page: 035329
Article: Multiexponential Photoluminescence Decay Of Blinking Nanocrystal Ensembles 
Author(s):  K. Dunn, J. Derr, T. Johnston, M. Chaker, and F. Rosei
Page: 035330
Article: Defect-induced Magnetic Order In Pure Zno Films 
Author(s):  M. Khalid, M. Ziese, A. Setzer, P. Esquinazi, M. Lorenz, H. Hochmuth, M. Grundmann, D. Spemann, T. Butz, G. Brauer, W. Anwand, G. Fischer, W. A. Adeagbo, W. Hergert, and A. Ernst
Page: 035331
Article: Charge Relaxation Resistance In The Coulomb Blockade Problem 
Author(s):  Ya. I. Rodionov, I. S. Burmistrov, and A. S. Ioselevich
Page: 035332
Article: Quantum Efficiency Of Stimulated Emission In Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots 
Author(s):  Chunfeng Zhang, Jian Xu, Ting Zhu, Fan Zhang, Zhanao Tan, Steven J. Schiff, Huaipeng Su, Shuai Gao, and Andrew Y. Wang
Page: 035333
Article: Mobility Dependent Efficiencies Of Organic Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells: Surface Recombination And Charge Transfer State Distribution 
Author(s):  Thomas Kirchartz, Bart E. Pieters, Kurt Taretto, and Uwe Rau
Page: 035334
Article: Phonon-assisted Tunneling In A Superlattice In An Applied Magnetic Field 
Author(s):  R. N. Kini, A. J. Kent, and M. Henini
Page: 035335
Article: Lenosky S Energy And The Phonon Dispersion Of Graphene 
Author(s):  S. Viola Kusminskiy, D. K. Campbell, and A. H. Castro Neto
Page: 035401
Article: Defective To Fully Coordinated Crossover In Complex Directionally Bonded Nanoclusters 
Author(s):  E. Flikkema and Stefan T. Bromley
Page: 035402
Article: Electronic Properties Of H On Vicinal Pt Surfaces: First-principles Study 
Author(s):  T. Vehviläinen, P. Salo, T. Ala-Nissila, and S. C. Ying
Page: 035403
Article: First-principles-based Embedded Atom Method For Pdau Nanoparticles 
Author(s):  Bin Shan, Ligen Wang, Sang Yang, Jangsuk Hyun, Neeti Kapur, Yujun Zhao, John B. Nicholas, and Kyeongjae Cho
Page: 035404
Article: Ab Initio Calculation Of Phonons For Bulk Tic And Tic(001)(1×1) 
Author(s):  S. Ba?c?, T. Kam??, H. M. Tütüncü, and G. P. Srivastava
Page: 035405
Article: Linear Response And The Thomas-fermi Approximation In Undoped Graphene 
Author(s):  L. Brey and H. A. Fertig
Page: 035406
Article: Asymmetrical Excitation Of Surface Plasmon Polaritons On Blazed Gratings At Normal Incidence 
Author(s):  Benfeng Bai, Xiangfeng Meng, Janne Laukkanen, Tristan Sfez, Libo Yu, Wataru Nakagawa, Hans Peter Herzig, Lifeng Li, and Jari Turunen
Page: 035407
Article: Magnetoresistive Junctions Based On Epitaxial Graphene And Hexagonal Boron Nitride 
Author(s):  Oleg V. Yazyev and Alfredo Pasquarello
Page: 035408
Article: Temperature Dependence Of Magnetic Coupling In Ultrathin Nio/fe3o4(001) Films 
Author(s):  C. Boeglin, O. Ersen, M. Pilard, V. Speisser, and F. Kronast
Page: 035409
Article: Degree Of Polarization Of The Thermal Near Field Generated By Arrays Of Metallic Nanoparticles 
Author(s):  Vassilios Yannopapas and Nikolay V. Vitanov
Page: 035410
Article: Acoustic Modes In Metallic Nanoparticles: Atomistic Versus Elasticity Modeling 
Author(s):  Nicolas Combe and Lucien Saviot
Page: 035411
Article: Exchange Effects In Spin-polarized Transport Through Carbon Nanotube Quantum Dots 
Author(s):  Christoph Schenke, Sonja Koller, Leonhard Mayrhofer, and Milena Grifoni
Page: 035412
Article: Electronic Structure Of Titania-based Nanotubes Investigated By Eels Spectroscopy 
Author(s):  Alexandre Gloter, Christopher Ewels, Polona Umek, Denis Arcon, and Christian Colliex
Page: 035413
Article: Stabilizing A Molecular Switch At Solid Surfaces: A Density Functional Theory Study Of Azobenzene On Cu(111), Ag(111), And Au(111) 
Author(s):  Erik McNellis, Jörg Meyer, Abbas Dehghan Baghi, and Karsten Reuter
Page: 035414
Article: Influence Of Electronic Effects On The Surface Erosion Of Tungsten 
Author(s):  S. Khakshouri and D. M. Duffy
Page: 035415
Article: Breaking Of Phase Symmetry In Nonequilibrium Aharonov-bohm Oscillations Through A Quantum Dot 
Author(s):  Vadim Puller, Yigal Meir, Martin Sigrist, Klaus Ensslin, and Thomas Ihn
Page: 035416
Article: Voltage-induced Singularities In Transport Through Molecular Junctions 
Author(s):  O. Entin-Wohlman, Y. Imry, and A. Aharony
Page: 035417
Article: Lithium Adsorption On Mgo(100) And Its Defects: Charge Transfer, Structure, And Energetics 
Author(s):  J. A. Farmer, N. Ruzycki, J. F. Zhu, and Charles T. Campbell
Page: 035418
Article: Raman Spectroscopy Study Of Heat-treated And Boron-doped Double Wall Carbon Nanotubes 
Author(s):  F. Villalpando-Paez, H. Son, S. G. Chou, Ge. G. Samsonidze, Y. A. Kim, H. Muramatsu, T. Hayashi, M. Endo, M. Terrones, and M. S. Dresselhaus
Page: 035419
Article: Spectroscopic Evidence Of The Existence Of Substantial Ca 3d Derived States At The Fermi Level In The Ca-intercalated Graphite Superconductor Cac6 
Author(s):  H. Okazaki, R. Yoshida, K. Iwai, K. Noami, T. Muro, T. Nakamura, T. Wakita, Y. Muraoka, M. Hirai, F. Tomioka, Y. Takano, A. Takenaka, M. Toyoda, T. Oguchi, and T. Yokoya
Page: 035420
Article: Liquid N-hexane Condensed In Silica Nanochannels: A Combined Optical Birefringence And Vapor Sorption Isotherm Study 
Author(s):  Andriy V. Kityk, Klaus Knorr, and Patrick Huber
Page: 035421
Article: Modification Of Tio2(001) Surface Electronic Structure By Au Impurity Investigated With Density Functional Theory 
Author(s):  E. Mete, O. Gülseren, and ?. Ellialt?o?lu
Page: 035422
Article: Density Dependence Of Valley Polarization Energy For Composite Fermions 
Author(s):  Medini Padmanabhan, T. Gokmen, and M. Shayegan
Page: 035423
Article: Pb On Mo(110) Studied By Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 
Author(s):  A. Krupski
Page: 035424
Article: Computational Study Of Stripe Alloy Formation On Stepped Surfaces 
Author(s):  Michail Michailov
Page: 035425
Article: Initial Stages Of Nickel Oxide Growth On Ag(001) By Pulsed Laser Deposition 
Author(s):  S. H. Phark, Young Jun Chang, T. W. Noh, and J.-S. Kim
Page: 035426
Article: Electronic Transport Properties Of Fullerene Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes: Ab Initio And Tight-binding Calculations 
Author(s):  J. A. Fürst, J. Hashemi, T. Markussen, M. Brandbyge, A. P. Jauho, and R. M. Nieminen
Page: 035427
Article: Thickness Dependence Of Shockley-type Surface States Of Ag(111) Ultrathin Films On Si(111)7×7 Substrates 
Author(s):  Keiichi Sawa, Yuki Aoki, and Hiroyuki Hirayama
Page: 035428
Article: Stoner Ferromagnetic Phase Of Graphene In The Presence Of An In-plane Magnetic Field 
Author(s):  A. Qaiumzadeh and R. Asgari
Page: 035429
Article: Photoinduced Coherent Adsorbate Dynamics On A Metal Surface: Nuclear Wave-packet Simulation With Quasi-diabatic Potential Energy Curves Using An Open-boundary Cluster Model Approach 
Author(s):  Tomokazu Yasuike and Katsuyuki Nobusada
Page: 035430
Article: Dye Adsorbates Brpdi, Brgly, And Brasp On Anatase Tio2(001) For Dye-sensitized Solar Cell Applications 
Author(s):  D. Çak?r, O. Gülseren, E. Mete, and ?. Ellialt?o?lu
Page: 035431
Article: Existence Of An Upper Limit On The Density Of Excitons In Carbon Nanotubes By Diffusion-limited Exciton-exciton Annihilation: Experiment And Theory 
Author(s):  Yoichi Murakami and Junichiro Kono
Page: 035432
Article: High-resolution Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Investigation Of The (12110) And (10000) Two-fold Symmetric D -al-ni-co Quasicrystalline Surfaces 
Author(s):  R. Mäder, R. Widmer, P. Gröning, S. Deloudi, W. Steurer, M. Heggen, P. Schall, M. Feuerbacher, and O. Gröning
Page: 035433
Article: Probing The Average Size Of Self-assembled Metal Nanoparticles Using X-ray Standing Waves 
Author(s):  M. K. Tiwari, K. J. S. Sawhney, Tien-Lin Lee, S. G. Alcock, and G. S. Lodha
Page: 035434
Article: Surface Electron Band Structure And Very Low-energy Electron Diffraction Reflectivity For Al(111) 
Author(s):  M. N. Read
Page: 035435
Article: Interface States In Carbon Nanotube Junctions: Rolling Up Graphene 
Author(s):  H. Santos, A. Ayuela, W. Jaskólski, M. Pelc, and L. Chico
Page: 035436
Article: Graphene Grown On Co(0001) Films And Islands: Electronic Structure And Its Precise Magnetization Dependence 
Author(s):  A. Varykhalov and O. Rader
Page: 035437
Article: Influence Of The Substrate On The Spin-orbit Splitting In Surface Alloys On (111) Noble-metal Surfaces 
Author(s):  L. Moreschini, A. Bendounan, H. Bentmann, M. Assig, K. Kern, F. Reinert, J. Henk, C. R. Ast, and M. Grioni
Page: 035438
Article: Comment On  Scaling Behavior Of Classical Wave Transport In Mesoscopic Media At The Localization Transition 
Author(s):  N. Cherroret, S. E. Skipetrov, and B. A. van Tiggelen
Page: 037101
Article: Reply To  Comment On  Scaling Behavior Of Classical Wave Transport In Mesoscopic Media At The Localization Transition  
Author(s):  S. K. Cheung and Z. Q. Zhang
Page: 037102
Article: Erratum: Fluctuating Stripes In Strongly Correlated Electron Systems And The Nematic-smectic Quantum Phase Transition [phys. Rev. B 78, 085124 (2008)] 
Author(s):  Kai Sun, Benjamin M. Fregoso, Michael J. Lawler, and Eduardo Fradkin
Page: 039901(e)
Article: Erratum: Coating Of A Layer Of Au On Al13 : The Findings Of Icosahedral Al@al12au20? And Al12au202? Fullerenes Using Ab Initio Pseudopotential Calculations [phys. Rev. B 79, 085423 (2009)] 
Author(s):  Vijay Kumar
Page: 039902(e)
Article: Erratum: Characterization Of The Torsional Piezoelectriclike Response Of Tantalum Trisulfide Associated With Charge-density-wave Depinning [phys. Rev. B 79, 241110(r) (2009)] 
Author(s):  J. Nichols, D. Dominko, L. Ladino, J. Zhou, and J. W. Brill
Page: 039903(e)
Article: Publisher's Note: Upconversion-induced Fluorescence In Multicomponent Systems: Steady-state Excitation Power Threshold [phys. Rev. B 78, 195112 (2008)] 
Author(s):  A. Monguzzi, J. Mezyk, F. Scotognella, R. Tubino, and F. Meinardi
Page: 039904(e)






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